Welcome! This is a guide page written by Víctor Gil Espallargas, CITM student for Bachelor’s Degree in Videogame Design and Development.
The word ‘tutorial’ comes from medievale times (even if it doesn’t seem like it), which defines a method in education of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture, a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task.
With this acknowledged, we can start to think about proper applications for videogames tutorials. Nonetheless, two important factors must be clear beforehand in order to understand the proper usages of this method:
1. Not make it look like a tutorial - The way of making a tutorial fun in a videogame is to mask it as another situation or feature in the game, narratively and thematically.
2. Do not overflow with information - Make a proper use of the resources a developer has in order to grab the player’s attention, this is also an important point because we, as devs, do not want to ‘break the magic’ and set the player out of the experience or even less, cause boredom.
I leave here a set of examples about optimal good tutorials in videogames:
In summary, this are the steps to follow for a proper creation of a videogame tutorial:
10 Wonderful Videogame Tutorials
10 Disastrous Videogame Tutorials
Top 10 Best Videogame Tutorial Levels
What should a good video game tutorial have to be useful and not be annoying?